The majority of businesses take at least 3 years to show a profit...
Yet, you can show a profit and pay for this entire course in the first month...
So, again, if you're whining about having to invest a few dollars per day in yourself and your education to start a business...
That will literally transform the way you live your life...
I don't want to hear it.
I don't mean to be rude, but it's my job to weed out the ones who just want a free ride in life or who want to whine that nothing ever works out for them.
You need to have some skin in the game or you will not follow through and you will not be successful in the end...
I just don't want you to look back at your life when you're 80 years old and have any regrets because you were scared to take action.
After all, taking action and making big moves isn't for everyone.