Watch my FREE Video Lesson, 5 Steps to Memorizing Drink Recipes, to see how you can quickly and easily memorize the exact drink recipes you need in order to start bartending and making $ right away.
Inside You Will Discover:
  • -The EXACT same steps my students use to memorize drink recipes so they can make drinks fast.
  • -Why other bartending courses and schools' methods are wrong when it comes to memorizing drink recipes.
  • -The Do's and Don'ts of memorizing drink recipes.
  • -How our specialized cheatsheets and flash cards can help you memorize 100 drinks in just a couple of days.
"(Dave) is the Tony Robbins of bartending Just do what he says and you'll be making a lot of money in a very short amount of time."

-Justin Monk, The Horned Frog

Who is TheRealBarman?

Dave Allred has been in the bar business for more than 25 years, as a busser, server, bartender, bar manager, blogger, author and bar consultant, helping thousands of people become bartenders and dozens of bar owners run a better bar.

Dave spends his time writing, consulting, running his online business, coaching his kids in basketball, admiring his gorgeous wife and trying to understand why they have a cat instead of a dog.

"I was getting ready to pay $545 for a local bartending school when I came across Dave's course online. I thought since it was so affordable that it couldn't possibly be as good, but he had a guarantee so I thought what the hell, I'll try it. OMG was I ever wrong! Best choice I ever made! I did everything he told me to do in the course and got hired at a corporate restaurant three weeks later. As soon as I got news that I was hired, I hung up the phone and thought, 'Damn it actually worked!' "

-Julia Thompson - Buffalo Wild Wings

"TheRealBarcourse blows it out of the water. It has videos, it has skills training and the plan lays everything out perfectly. It got me off my butt and made me go for it. I got my interview on Day 18 and was officially hired on Day 23. Un-freakin-believable!"

-Robert Lawrence - Jake's Bar & Grill
Copyright 2019 Dave Allred, TheRealBarman
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